Meet the Grace Fitness Team

Grace Fitness Lifestyle Coaches:

Certified Community Health Workers through Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),

Founder/Executive Director

Zakiya Jenkins

Zakiya worked as a Clinic Director for 5 years for a community-based health system and
understands the struggle that both providers and patients face towards education, treatment, access and compliance. She also has a Master’s degree from Upper Iowa University in Public Administration with an emphasis on non-profit, is certified through National Academy of Sports Medicine as a Personal Trainer, and Peer Leader through Iowa HHS.  Zakiya is also a Certified Group Coach through The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Community Health Worker (Des Moines Area Community College, and is currently studying dietetics at Iowa State University.

Received Student Spotlight in IINSPIRE LSAMP, The Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, and 2023 Des Moines Parks and Recreation Volunteer Award Winner.

Lifestyle Coach

Carolyn Johnson

Carolyn A. Johnson is a proud mother to three amazing children and seven beautiful and smart grandchildren. She retired after 47 years in the corporate sector of banking and currently works as a Community Health Care Worker (CHW) and Lifestyle Coach for Grace Fitness: a non-profit organization owned and operated by her daughter. Her passion is to help the underserved community and share her knowledge through teaching life-changing decisions about one’s health through proper nutrition and exercise.

Carolyn received her Certificate Specialization in Management from Des Moines Area College along with her Community Health Worker (CHW) Certificate. She further pursued learning and received additional certificates from the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP), Lifestyle Coach Training from Telligen Health Wellness-Being, and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

She enjoys reading, cooking with her grandchildren, singing, and listening to inspirational podcasts.

Board Members

  • Chris Espersen, MSPH

    Board President

    Chris is a quality consultant working with healthcare and public health organizations across the nation, providing technical assistance around new initiatives, patient engagement and data and quality improvement. Chris brings her passion for health equity and fostering person and community activation to drive the Grace Fitness Mission.

  • Mandy Newton Rosenow, PA

    Board Member