The Healthy Transitions Coaching Program
12 Weeks of Action and Community Support
Weekly group meetings with lessons and worksheets (1 hour)
In-person if possible with safe distancing measures
Zoom and Phone Conference Access
Recorded for later viewing
Weekly check-in with coach
Phone or Zoom
Access to a virtual forum for community support
Optional 'Phone Tree' Support group
Food Prep Lessons
During weekly meetings
Easy Healthful Recipes
Focused on Healthful Meals that will feed a family of 4 for under $2.00 per plate.
Access to pre-recorded workouts and lessons at all levels
Chair Exercises
Functional Fitness
Main Goals
Establish a regular time for exercise.
Develop a better understanding of and relationship with healthful foods.
Create a Healthy Shopping List of foods that you enjoy and will regularly use to prepare healthy meals.
(Considerations will be made for those utilizing SNAP benefits and food pantry services.
Enhance Food Preparation skills for easier and healthier home cooking.