The Healthy Transitions Coaching Program

12 Weeks of Action and Community Support

Weekly group meetings with lessons and worksheets (1 hour)

  • In-person if possible with safe distancing measures

  • Zoom and Phone Conference Access

  • Recorded for later viewing

Weekly check-in with coach

  • Phone or Zoom

Access to a virtual forum for community support

  • Optional 'Phone Tree' Support group​

Food Prep Lessons

  • During weekly meetings​

Easy Healthful Recipes

  • Focused on Healthful Meals that will feed a family of 4 for under $2.00 per plate​.

Access to pre-recorded workouts and lessons at all levels

  • Chair Exercises​

  • Functional Fitness

Main Goals

  • Establish a regular time for exercise.

  • Develop a better understanding of and relationship with healthful foods. 

  • Create a Healthy Shopping List of foods that you enjoy and will regularly use to prepare healthy meals.

  • (Considerations will be made for those utilizing SNAP benefits and food pantry services. 

  • Enhance Food Preparation skills for easier and healthier home cooking. 

Your Head Coach


80lbs & 10 Dress Sizes!